
Monday, October 22, 2012

Fo' real; tree, that is.

 Before you say it {because I know it’s on the tip of your tongue right this very second!}, I know that it’s still October. The leaves are just beginning to change into colors of blazing fires and only the most aggravating and pushy retailers {begins with a W, ends with a T, and has an “almar” in the middle!} have even begun to roll out the strung lights and garland. {Although if you walk into a Hobby Lobby today you would find all fall décor on sale 45% and Thanksgiving napkins being tucked over to the side of the store to make room for HUGE Christmas Wreaths.}

And even though it IS still October, and we haven’t yet celebrated Halloween, or Thanksgiving, I am going to blog about Christmas trees. And here’s why:

Sunday, October 21, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like...


{Okay, it’s really not… but a girl can dream, can’t she?}

Even if it's a cheap MSPaint rendition, right?!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Wyatt this Week

This week has sort of creeped by on me. After Wyatt being sick a few weeks ago, then having his birthday bash a week late, we've sort of just hunkered down at home this week and enjoyed the clean house {I love it when we have people over} and our health {an entire week with no fever- do I hear angels singing?!}.

I had to share a few quick pics with you though, as Wyatt never fails to make me laugh.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Getting things done: check!


It has become one of my most favorite hobbies since taking the plunge and deciding to stay home with Wyatt fulltime. I've only been home 4 months, and before then I didn't understand what Pinterest was, but I've done a pretty good job of filling various pin-boards up.

I love to spend my Saturday mornings quietly pinning away {or pining away? pardon the pun!} as many great ideas as possible.

The hubs thinks I'm wasting my time, but I try to assure him-- "Don't worry!" I say, "I'm not wasting our Saturday morning-- I'm busy planning out the rest of our life!"

He doesn't find that cute or amusing. ;-)

But of course, I can't really blame him, as 4 months of pinning has turned into LOTS of things I WANT to do or try... but I sometimes think that I will never get around to any of it!

So today, instead of pinning things, I decided to take one thing and move it to a new pin-board titled "Done!"

Tomorrow will be Wyatt's first birthday party-- we had to reschedule his original party because he had a nasty virus that kept him feeling puny the entire week. So, instead of demo-ing 40 different ways to style my hair or how to create a Christmas tree using a tomato cage, I thought I would try something simple that I could use tomorrow for W's birthday guests.

{Recipe original to My Handmade Life}

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

It's Fall at the Gibsons!

Fall is fast becoming my favorite season.

As a teenager, I would’ve sworn my favorite was summer. I loved tanning, spending time with my friends, and enjoying the river with Colt.

Then after high school, I moved to Florida with the hubs {who was just the boyfriend back then} and we bought this horrible golden Volvo that had a shady AC.

I soon loathed summer {and the heat that accompanies!}.

Shortly after we married in 2006, we bought our first home. {It actually took us about a month to find the house, another 30 days to close on it!} Spring was then my favorite season, as I had hopes and dreams of being a fantastic gardener. I believe I killed every plant I bought that year. Whomp, whomp.

Now, having the post-pregnancy-i-still-need-to-lose-10lbs body that I do, fall is quickly becoming my favorite season...

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Wyatt's Smash Cake: Take 2

I posted late last month my first try at Wyatt's smash-cake.. my second version turned out lots better, and was going to be the final take, but alas, I'm always learning...