
Monday, March 4, 2013

Doing: Pin that.


So, I think pretty much every female on this continent is in love with Pinterest.

If not, then you obviously haven't tried it. Get on that. It's awesome.

I guess the downside to loving pinterest is that you waste countless hours pinning things-- then you never look at the ideas ever again.

I've tried to stop pinning things I'll never get around to doing. Really.

But honestly, the only thing I ever get around to is food. For obvious fat-kid-turned-chubby-adult reasons.

Anyway, like many other females in the world, I also love the Bachelor.

Not, I do not think that it's a "good way to find love." I actually think it's a "great way to travel the world for free, drink all the booze you want, and make a complete fool outta yourself on national television." But some people have gotten married and lived happily ever after to talk about it fondly.

So I watch pretty much ever Monday night.

And then every Tuesday I web-surf on over to  I Hate Green Beans to read the absolutely-most-funny-side-hurting-coffe-shoot-right-out-your-nose-while-reading-at-a-red-light Bachelor recap of all time. {Whether you watch Bachelor or not. You need to read a recap. I promise it will be worth it.}

So after reading one of Lincee's recaps {that's the blogger's name}, I browsed through the comments {which are sometimes even more hilarious than the recap itself, if you can believe it!}. Someone posted a link to another blogger's site-- and I love blogs, so I checked it out. {As if you couldn't tell..}

It just so happened this linked blogger is the sister of our most recent bachelor Sean Lowe.
His sister, Shay, has been running her own blog for years. And now, since her little brother is the Bachelor, she blogs her thoughts after each episode. So cute.

But what I really love about her blog, is that she has a sister-site (which she calls her foodie blog) where she posts yummy recipes.

I pinned one of her recipes.

Or two.


Or a thousand.

Sheesh, so I pinned an insanely large number of recipes?! Get off my back. ;-)

Anyway, one that really struck  my fancy is called "Rustic Cobbler." It's a lot like my mom's own recipe, except a bit less butter. So I thought, "That seems easy enough." So I pinned it. And then...

...wait for it...


Below are the super simple pictures that I took, and here's the actual link to her recipe. Go there. Create. Eat well. 

Step 1: Add the berries. {I just poured in a 16 oz package of mixed berries from the freezer section!}

Sprinkle in the flour/sugar/egg mixture.

Pour the melted butter in over everything.

 Bake it at 375°F for 40 minutes. Voila. Rustic Cobbler.

 I guess by "Rustic" they mean you eat it like a mountain man with no kitchen utensils in sight. ...or maybe I'm the only one that just smashed her face down into the entire dish and began eating like there was a blue ribbon on the line.

Oh-- and for anyone thinking, "Wha?! That crazy-over-achieving-Ashley made dinner AND a baked desert?! PSH!"-- I did make dinner. Hamburger Helper Stroganoff.

I know, I'm amazing. A catch. The hubs is a lucky man, indeed.


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