
Monday, October 22, 2012

Fo' real; tree, that is.

 Before you say it {because I know it’s on the tip of your tongue right this very second!}, I know that it’s still October. The leaves are just beginning to change into colors of blazing fires and only the most aggravating and pushy retailers {begins with a W, ends with a T, and has an “almar” in the middle!} have even begun to roll out the strung lights and garland. {Although if you walk into a Hobby Lobby today you would find all fall décor on sale 45% and Thanksgiving napkins being tucked over to the side of the store to make room for HUGE Christmas Wreaths.}

And even though it IS still October, and we haven’t yet celebrated Halloween, or Thanksgiving, I am going to blog about Christmas trees. And here’s why:

Most families need a little notice to plan an activity like this.

Not everyone lives with a spur-of-the-moment-mister like mine. {We once drove all the way to Pigeon Forge with a plan that consisted of: eat at Hungry Howie's before we come home. True story. You can ask him.}

Don't believe driving all the way to Athens, TN is worth it? Let me prove it to you..

Here's a quick run-down of some the amenities this tree farm offers:

  • free hot cocoa
  • free coffee
  • hay-ride pick-up service
  • hand-saws for cutting trees down
  • a man with a chain-saw, for those that don't want to or can't cut down their own trees
  • acres upon acres of Christmas Trees
  • a wonderful few hours of searching for that perfect tree with your family

Or rather, if you're still not convinced… take a picture walk with me! {This is something I remember my school kiddos L-O-V-E-D to do! Aw. Miss ‘em at these kind of moments!}

This is the Reese Family Christmas Tree Farm.
This is at the entrance of the farm, every year. And yes, it's huge, gaudy, and I ab-so-lutely love it! {I actually decorated my Christmas Tree with the C-9's last year because of this tree!}
They have a wonderful selection of a variety of types of trees, as well as a plethora of sizes!
As if that's not wonderful enough, they run a hay-ride pick-up service for families.
They provide you with your own manual saw for chopping your perfect tree down! {But they will also send a guy around with a chainsaw, just in case your saw doesn't get you through!}  +the hubs looks great in this photo :-)
Honestly, we've purchased our tree from here for the last 5 years or so.

 It's a wonderful experience that really brings back the old, traditional method of getting your tree. It's magical and so much fun. And feels tons better than just going to Home Depot and grabbing whatever.

If you are thinking, which I hope you are, that this looks like a wonderful idea, you can like the Reese Family Christmas Tree Farm here on Facebook. If you're not on Facebook {shudder deep within my soul}, they are located halfway between Athens, TN and Cleveland, TN off Hwy 163. You can contact them at 423-336-9757 for more info.

I believe their first day of business is Thanksgiving Day at 10 A eastern/9 A central!

And no, they didn't pay or ask me to blog about them... as a matter of fact, they don't even know I did it. {I sure hope they don't mind!} :-)

{This is the us two years ago (Christmas of 2010!) just before we got pregnant with WL!}

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