
Thursday, March 7, 2013

just paint it.

I love DIY blogs. Probably unhealthily so. I read some of my favorites every single day. And sometimes the bloggers to two posts. I read both.

And then sometimes I browse back through their archives, like while Wyatt is napping and I need motivation to do something positive in the house {like clean, or touch up painted/scruffed walls}.

So a few days ago I spoted an old post of Sherry's from over at Young House Love. She does these "Pinterest Challenges" with a few of her blogger friends. I think it's a great idea. I love doing instead of just pinning all the time. But I have no blogger friends that want to complete a "Pinterest Challenge" with me.

{This is where people like Kimberley, Tambra, and India should stand up and shout, "I'm with ya!"     Anyone?    Hello?}

Oh well, anyway-- I really liked the pretty colors she was using and her haphazard method of just plopping the paint onto the canvas {Check it out below}. She didn't care where it ended up, it was more about letting the painting grow on its own. {Ooh, do I sound artsy yet? I'm more of a comic-strip-doodler than a brush-to-canvas-kinda-girl.}

Anywaaaaay. I had been working on some stuff to go on the walls in our bedroom anyway {and around the house as well} and I happened to have created a piece {term used loosely} the other day that I wasn't more-than-happy with:

I loved the saying, but I just couldn't seem to get the lettering as crisp as I wanted. I thought my hands were steady {Jenga Warrior, I tell you.} but alas, I did not. It looked a little too homemade.

So I pulled out some beige-ish paint and just covered the entire thing {minus the border, I liked that part, I taped over it} with new paint. Presto. Clean canvas. {That is my single most favorite thing about canvas art. When in doubt, white wash it.

So, I whipped up something up like Sherry's from YHL:
It's not exactly like her's, but I wanted it to be my own anyway, right?
 Oh, and because it's going in my bedroom, I added the word "Love" in a courier-esque hand-drawn font. Yeah. We're all about the love in there. ;-)

Sure, our bedroom is done in green/brown/cream right now. But it's about to become a bit more colorful. {I'm not sure the hubster knows yet?} We might be sleeping on blue sheets pretty soon. And maybe some pink-patterned pillows? Eh. Who knows.

Maybe I'll make a run to Joann's?

So, who wants to do a Pinterest Challenge with me?! Don't everyone stand up at once now!


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