
Friday, February 15, 2013

Throw it in the garbage.

Wyatt and I have a diaper-changing-ritual : it's a lot like a rabid bear taking down an unsuspecting hiker in the woods.

You see, he used to LOVE diaper changes. As an infant, he would not tolerate dirty diapers for any length of time. The second urine hit his diaper, he would begin screaming. I remember at one point he would laugh and smile at just being taken toward the general area of his changing table. He loved diaper changing time.

But as he's gotten older, he has become more difficult. {You get that from your father, kiddo. Mama's a peach. Hah!}

He no longer likes being changed. Wet diapers are fine. He grumbles a little about them interrupting his day. But soiled diapers, ah, well, that's a different issue. He does not like #2 changes. As a matter of fact, he will go to great lengths to avoid me when he has poop in his diaper. I usually have to begin stalking him at the first sign of distress and pounce on him when he gets distracted. Otherwise he high-tails it and slams his bedroom door in my face.

What can I say? He's a genius. He's already trying to outsmart me.

But, I love making a bad situation into a good one, so in order to make it a bit more fun, and teach him to clean up his own messes, I started handing him his dirty diapers and clapping for him when he ran them to garbage can.

He gets really excited now-a-days.

I was surprised the other day, after weeks of trying to get him to say, "Love you," or "Granny," or even "More," when he said, "Garbage!"

Yes, my dear friends, my son's first real word wasn't something like, "doggy" or "truck." It was "garbage."

The hubster didn't believe me at first. But I obtained the evidence. {He always says I should've been a lawyer...}

Exhibit A entered into evidence, please in video format.

As anyone can EASILY heart, the kid says, "Gar-itch." Which, to any mother, is the word garbage in kid dialect.

Oh well.

I'm still so proud that my baby can say a two-syllable word.

Since then, he's starting stranding two word sentences together {with words he already knows}. For instance, every morning for the past week he has told Colt, "Bye bye Da-ee." And he's even begun saying, "Nite nite Da-ee," at night too!



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